Saturday, April 28, 2012

My favourite day is....?????

¿Queréis saber qué día de la semana es el favorito de estos chic@s tan trabajadores de 4º de Primaria?
Do you want to know which is your child´s favourite day?

Aquí os dejo uno de sus múltiples trabajos que hacen en el aula...
Here you have one of the several projects they make in class...

Busca el tuyo...y enséñaselo a todos...!!!
Look for yours and show it to everyone..!!!

By Evelyn


Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy book day!!

Hoy en clase de inglés, nuestros alumnos de primer y segundo ciclo, han sido los autores de su propio libro!!
Se han sentido muy orgullosos de poder hacer su propia creación, decorándolos y escribiendo varios títulos de cuentos en lengua inglesa.

Además, han podido conocer dos de los autores más importantes e influyentes de la literatura inglesa y castellana que murieron en este día, 23 de Abril:
Shakespeare, escritor mundialmente conocido por muchas de sus obras, como por ejemplo: "Romeo y Julieta" y Cervantes, también conocido, entre otras obras, por "El Quijote".
Aquí os dejamos algunos ejemplares de los nuevos libros de nuestros alumnos...
Esperamos que os gusten...!!!

Today our students have made their own books called "English Tales". They have written several titles of different tales and they have known one of the important writers of the English Literature and  the Spanish one: William Shakespeare and Cervantes. We can remember them, since both died today.
We hope you like these fantastic books...!!!



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Great Factory of Words

Have you thought how life would be without words? Can you imagine that you are not able to express feelings, thoughts or illusions? What words would you choose as present for those people who you love? Last week, students from 4º year of primary school had an opportunity to watch a fantastic tale called The big factory of the words. It is told with sings of deaf people. I would like to share it with you here.

In this story, the author Agnés de Lestrade shows us a very special and touching country. People do not interact between them. Communication is not natural. But there is a factory that makes words and people can buy them. But they are pretty expensive and nobody is able to buy them. People look for them in the rubbish, where they only find the ones that others have thrown on it, the worst!! 

Diego is the main character of this tale. He is a lovely child. He was born in a humble family,and, for that reason, the kid has not got too many words. One day, the boy went out with his butterfly net and he captured three words that he found in the air: cherry, dust and chai,r and he kept them as a birthday´s present for a very special person; Aura. She is the one to whom Diego wants to give his feelings using those words to declared his love…


This tale teaches us that we have to demostrate our feelings to others. 
So, Do you think that it would be a good present  to give your beautiful words to your beloved people? 


Look at these adjetives and find out which one is the best for "them". 

Bueno-Good man/woman 

My family

How many members are there in your family? What are their names?Watch the video and write...!!!


Listening and writing skills (4th year)

After watching the video,please answer to these questions: -Which is your favourite place of your house? "My favourite place of my house is...." -What are you doing in this place? "I am ___ing......."